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Life Coach

Do you want to reach a new level of success, but don’t know how to proceed? Maybe you know you’re in need of a major change but feel paralyzed by indecision.

You are struggling in setting personal goals, finding the purpose of life or self-development.

The person you are looking for could be a “Life Coach”.

What exactly is Life Coaching?

International Coach Federation defines “Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal & professional potential”

A Life Coach is trained personnel who helps you grow by analyzing your situation, obstacles, identifying your limiting also, empowering beliefs and providing encouragement in this journey to become a better version of yourself. Clients look for guidance in confidence, career change, self-worth and esteem, work-life balance, relationships, health, emotional intelligence and much more. To sum up, life coaching can range from relationship and health coaching to LIFE skills and career coaching.

Life coaching brings many wonderful benefits: fresh perspectives on personal challenges, enhanced decision-making skills, greater interpersonal effectiveness, and increased confidence. Those who undertake coaching to may expect appreciable improvement in productivity, satisfaction with life and work, elimination of long-held fears and much more.

Frequently asked questions

Who should consider working with a LIFE COACH?

Life Coaching allows you to maximize your potential in any area. Anyone who is feeling stuck / or wish to enhance their life on a personal/ professional journey may consider working with a LIFE Coach.

Therapists have a degree and are licensed, mental health professionals. While working with a life coach may help you to deal with certain unresolved issues, A Life Coach is not a healthcare professional. They enable a client to identify obstacles and problematic behaviours and clarify their goals. While, they are many who call themselves Life Coaches, we at CNC only have accredited / certified Life Coahes onboard.

A Life Coach will help you bridge the gap between “being” & “doing”. Research suggests that life coaching can have a range of positive effects, including improvements in personal insight and improved self-reflection. It may also help improve overall mental health and quality of life. The larger impact would include achieving your life goals by following an action plan approach.

A life coach works with you to understand and explore concerns & aspirations, define clear, do-able and motivating goals. It would largely depend on the scope of work. All this typically takes anything between 3 to 5 sessions. You will begin with a 30 minutes complementary discovery call with your preferred coach. We at CNC only provide you with certified and experienced coaches shortlisted through a stringent evaluation process.